「泥銀紀」 黃柏瀚 Visible City銀器十年展 暨PaRanOID水泥創作
8/16/2021 - 8/30/2021

黃柏瀚 Visible City銀器十年展


8/16/2021 - 8/30/2021


「泥銀紀」 展覽緣起

2021年是Visible City  成立第十年,對我是非常重要的人生里程碑。途中有許多磨難,工作室遷移三次至今為第四個空間。日夜不敢怠惰,每次創作總是戰戰兢兢,邊創作邊進修,越做越多、越學越難,發現領域之浩瀚學無止盡,也自覺不足之處。在這十年間也和許多客人保持良好互動,看著彼此成長。於今日和一直支持我及尚未認識Visible City的朋友分享,我和另一位創作者共同舉辦十年成果展,期盼各位撥空前來看看,和Visible City 迎接下一個十年!

“Ni Yin Ji “10 years Mile stone, The Metalwork Art Exhibition of Eugene Huang 

About “Ni Yin Ji “
Visible City established in 2011. The10th year of establishment of author’s life milestone. There were many tribulations along the way, Visible City studio moved three times in the past 10 years, the current studio is the fourth space. During these years of assiduous efforts and unflagging enthusiasm was the only believe. He always work with trepidation every time while he create a piece of metal art and continue to learn while creating. “The more I do, the more difficult I learn.” he said.  Author find that the world of metalsmith of learning is endless. “I am conscious of its shortcomings. In the past ten years, I have also maintained good interaction with many guests and watched each other grow. “he said.  This exhibition also dedicated to friends who have supported Visible City over the years and for those who have not yet known Visible City. 

「泥銀紀」 展覽引言

「紀」是地質年代的時間劃分單位, 不同的地質時空中, 自然界生物各自有獨特的演化 ,「泥銀紀」 是期許自己對工藝可以創造新的紀元, 亦是Visible City工作室成立至今重要的里程碑。
Visible City 的精神是以城市元素為靈感,延伸而出的金屬工藝表現與鍛敲技法; 此次展覽首度搭配 Paranoid 的水泥創作。 水泥是現代建築的主體亦是基座,銀器的線條剛硬
象徵建築的結構造型。 有別於傳統形制與想像。故希望能為茶酒器的世界,打破疆界,開拓更寬闊之境界。

Introduction of “Ni Yin Ji”
Meaning In Chinese:  Ni = Mud Yin = Silver Ji = Era 

" Is the time division unit of geological age. Different geological time and space, biological organisms have unique advantages. "Ni Yin Ji", The concept of create a new era of Metal art craftsmanship, and it is also the influence of the “concrete jungle” as the core element.

The spirit of the Visible City is inspired by urban elements and extended metal craftsmanship and forging techniques; Author was honored to invite a good friend of mine Artist “Paranoids “This exhibition will be the first time to co-op with “Paranoids “cement work . Metal & Cement also symbolizing the structural shape of the building. A different form, tradition and imagination of utensils. Therefore, I hope that the world of Tea and Wine utensils will break the boundaries and open a new path way.


藝術家 黃柏瀚




Visible City Metal Art Studio
Visible City金工工作室成立

Louis Vuitton、Gucci視覺陳列

9/2008 ~ 2/2011
Academy of Art University, San Francisco, CA, U.S.A. 
Master of Fine Art in Fashion Merchandising
舊金山藝術大學流行行銷系,畢業論文Visible City

2011 Academy of Art University Spring Show - Nomination of Art Jewelry

10/2010 ~ 5/2011
- Jewelry design for San Francisco local annual fashion show "Black-V"
Jewelry works were interviewed by VOGUE Vietnam